Opt for Feldenkrais Method for Back Pain to Stay Fit and Active
January 4, 2017
Ignition and Conception: Advanced Training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
March 21, 2017
Opt for Feldenkrais Method for Back Pain to Stay Fit and Active
January 4, 2017
Ignition and Conception: Advanced Training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
March 21, 2017

‘Behind the Smile’: Advanced Craniosacral Seminar

Just returned from a four day Advanced Craniosacral seminar with Katherine Ukleja DO, BCST. Entitled ‘Behind the Smile’, it demonstrated a social engagement system grounded within the neurology of the viscera and the muscles of the face and throat.

The viscera is collectively, the internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities, such as the liver, heart, or stomach. She discussed the relation between our gut (our emotional radar) and the heart’s adaptability under stress.

The seminar demonstrated the underlying support between the Vagus Nerve and Emotional Expression. This forms the basis for Interoception sensations within the body and Exteroception, the five senses linking us to the outside environment.

“People with impaired social engagement systems are prone to misinterpret safety as a threat and objective danger a safety.  Their visceral feedback system fails to protect them, or prevents them from engaging in the fullness of what life has to offer.” – Bassel van der Kolk

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